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Schema markup & rich results

Falcon UI Kit comes complete with a few handy components to provide your app with Schema markup in the form of JSON.

To test your app you can use Googles rich results testing tool.

For full schema markup docs please see


  • Organisation
  • Product
  • Product list
  • Blog post
  • Blog list

Organisation schema

Full docs

Ideally the organisation schema component will be added to your route App.js file so it exists on all page.

import { OrganizationSchema } from '@deity/falcon-ui-kit';
import logo from 'src/assets/logo.png';



The props expected are:

  • logo - Path to site logo
  • name - Site / App name
  • url - Organisation URL (probably your sites URL)
  • sameAs - Array or organisation URLs (normally social network links)

Product schema

Full docs

The product schema should be added to your route product component (client/src/pages/shop/Product.js in our example apps).

The product schema expects a product prop. This should be an object:

type product = {
name: string,
description: string
thumbnail: string
price: string
sku: string
urlPath: string
import { ProductSchema } from '@deity/falcon-ui-kit';
<ProductSchema product={product} />

Product list schema

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The product list uses the product schema but is imported into our ProductCard component.

Blog post schema

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The blog post component is added to the root blog post component (client/src/pages/blog/Post.js in our example).

It expects 1 prop, blog. This should be an object with blog post information:

type blogSchemaInfo = { 
title: string,
image: string,
date: Date,
modified: Date,
excerpt: string,
author: string,
slug: string,
content: string
import { FormattedDate, Image, BlogPostSchema } from '@deity/falcon-ui-kit';
<BlogPostSchema blog={blogSchemaInfo} />

Blog list schema

Full docs

The blog list schema uses the same component as the blog post but is added to the BlogPostCard component.